
Cervical Mucus & Beyond: An Intro to Using Fertility Awareness

All about what it takes to use fertility awareness to live a better cyclical life and reliably avoid or achieve pregnancy.

Fertility awareness is simply a way to understand the fertile and infertile times of any given menstrual cycle, but often it feels far from simple. In this class, we'll get into the basics of using a fertility awareness method to track your cycle amd help dispell a lot of confusion. We'll also get into how you can use fertility awareness to avoid or achieve pregnancy, as well as how your menstrual cycle reflects your overall reproductive health.

This class will discuss:

  • Times of fertility and infertility in the menstrual cycle
  • The primary fertility signs, including cervical mucus, cervical position, basal body temperature, and sex hormones
  • Efficacy for both avoiding and achieving pregnancy
  • The menstrual cycle as the 5th vital sign & using it to improve our health
  • The basics of the Justisse Method of Fertility Awareness, a sympto-thermal method

This class will be held on Zoom and details provided to registered attendees. A recording will be available if you can't attend live. Hosted in collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Winter & Mosaic Integrative Medicine: